Terms of sale


This document is a formal offer of SokolWorkshop LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor), addressed to an indefinite number of persons, to conclude a Contract in respect of the Contractor's rendering of services on customised tailoring of clothes and/or shoes on the terms and conditions set out below.

This document is a public offer addressed to individuals, and if the conditions set out below are accepted, the individual undertakes to pay for the Order and its delivery on the terms set out in this offer. Payment of the Order by the Customer shall constitute acceptance of this offer by the Customer.

This offer for the provision of services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes is a public offer SokolWorkshop LLC, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, which expresses its intention to conclude a contract for the provision of services (hereinafter - the Agreement) with individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties, in the manner and on the terms provided for in this offer. The Offer for rendering services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or footwear contains all essential terms and conditions.


  1. Terms and definitions used in the Offer

1.1 Offer - an offer to conclude this contract on rendering services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes, published in the Internet at the address: www.sokolarmory.com

1.2 Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by performing the actions specified in paragraph 1.10 of the offer. Acceptance of the offer creates a contract.

1.3 Contract - an agreement between the Contractor and the Customer for rendering services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes, which is concluded by means of acceptance of the offer.

1.4 Client - a person who has applied to the Contractor with an application for rendering services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or footwear in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1.5 Contractor - provides services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or footwear to the Client under the Contract.

1.6 Individual tailoring of clothes and/or footwear - the process of tailoring clothes and/or footwear at the Customer's individual request on the basis of the designs presented in the catalogue on the Contractor's official website www.sokolarmory.com

When ordering, the Customer is obliged to inform his/her measurements, colour, style of the chosen model, material, accessories, as well as individual wishes for the product.

1.7 Application for individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes - an application for individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes sent on the Contractor's official website www.sokolarmory.com

1.8 Official website - the Contractor's information resource placed in the Internet at the following address: www.sokolarmory.com

1.9 Acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement - the Customer's actions to accept the terms and conditions of this offer. When going to the official site of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com the Customer is obliged to familiarise himself with the conditions of the presented offer. After familiarisation, expressing agreement with the terms and conditions specified in the offer, the Customer shall place an order on the official website of the Executor www.sokolarmory.com subject to the conditions specified in clause 3.7 and clause 3.8 of this Agreement. 3.8 of this Agreement.

1.10 Payment date - receipt of funds to the Executor's settlement account.

1.11 Product - clothes and/or shoes sewn according to the Customer's individual request.

  1. Subject of the contract

2.1 The subject of the present agreement is rendering of services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes by the Contractor in accordance with the Customer's application filled in and sent on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com

2.2 The Executor undertakes to render services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes to the Client within the term stipulated by the contract and on the basis of the application.

2.3 The Client is obliged to make payment in accordance with the form and procedure of settlements and perform all necessary actions in accordance with this offer.


  1. The order of interaction between the parties.

3.1 The Customer intending to conclude a contract with the Contractor should make an acceptance of the offer, in other words, perform the actions specified in clause 1.9 of the contract.

3.2 When making an application for rendering the service of individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes on the official website of the Executor www.sokolarmory.com the Customer shall provide the following information about himself: surname, name, actual delivery address, e-mail address, contact phone number (mobile, fixed), as well as other information necessary for rendering the services. If necessary, the Customer may provide additional information.

3.3 The official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com contains data on the provided types of services, models, styles, colors and prices for the respective services, with the help of which the Customer has an opportunity to get acquainted with the provided services and calculate the approximate cost of services.

3.4 When forming an application for the provision of services, the Customer is obliged to inform the Operator of his/her measurements, color of the selected product, style, model, to agree with the Executor the material, accessories of the product, individual wishes for the product, as well as other data necessary for individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes for specific parameters of the Customer.

3.5 The Contractor makes patterns on the basis of the data provided by the Customer. On the basis of the patterns specially made for a particular Customer, the Executor carries out individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes from its own material and accessories.

3.6 The Customer, when forming an application, pays the cost of services on the official website of the Executor www.sokolarmory.com in a cashless manner.

3.7 The Executor starts rendering the services after the Customer makes the prepayment.

3.8. After creating the application, confirmation of the application by the Contractor's employee and making the prepayment, the Contractor carries out individual tailoring of clothes and/or shoes on the basis of the data provided by the Customer.

3.9. The term of services rendering for each Customer's request is agreed upon by the Parties individually and, depending on the complexity, may be increased.

3.10. Images of the Products presented on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com are of reference nature and cannot fully convey reliable information about the properties and characteristics of the Product, including color, size, style, shape. In this regard, if necessary, it is necessary to consult the Contractor's employee.

 4. Contractor's Rights and Obligations.

4.1 The Contractor has the right:

4.1.1 At its own discretion to change the cost and conditions of services. The Parties are guided by the fact that the new cost does not apply to the services already paid by the Customer.

4.1.2 To demand from the Customer timely and full payment for the services rendered by the Contractor in accordance with this Agreement;

4.1.3 Involve third parties in the fulfillment of the Agreement, remaining liable to the Customer.

4.1.4 The Executor has the right to record telephone conversations with the Customer and make screenshots of messages on the official page in the social network Instagram www.instagram.com/sokolworkshop

4.2 The Contractor's duties:

4.2.1 Strictly comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


  1. Rights and Obligations of the Employer.

5.1 The Customer's obligations:

5.1.1 To familiarize himself with the contents and conditions of this offer on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com , prices and conditions found on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com before taking actions aimed at conclusion of the Contract.

5.1.2 Strictly comply with the terms and conditions of this Contract.

5.1.3 Provide the Executor with the information requested by him, namely: his measurements, the color of the selected product, style, model, individual wishes, personal data, the address of the actual location (address of the place of delivery), contact information, as well as other data required by the Executor.

5.1.4. To agree with the Executor the material, fittings of the product, as well as other data necessary for individual tailoring of clothes and/or footwear under specific parameters of the Customer.

5.1.5. To pay for the Executor's services in the order and within the terms stipulated by the Contract.

5.1.6. Provide the Executor with reliable information necessary for fulfillment of obligations under the Contract.

5.1.7 The Customer is acquainted, agrees and confirms at the conclusion of the Agreement about his desire to conclude it, as well as understands that at the conclusion of the Agreement he acquires the obligations arising from the Agreement.

5.1.8 The Customer is familiarized, agrees and confirms that the obligations shall be duly performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the obligation and the requirements of the law. Unilateral refusal to fulfill the obligation and unilateral change of its terms and conditions is not allowed.

5.1.9. The Customer is familiarized with, agrees and confirms that on the basis of the current legislation the Customer has no right to refuse the goods of proper quality having individually defined properties, if the said goods can be used exclusively by the Customer purchasing them.

5.1.10. The Customer is familiarized with and agrees that the finished products may contain permissible deviations.


  1. Price and the order of settlements of the Parties.

6.1 The cost of the Contractor's services under this Agreement is determined specifically for each application for each Customer, based on the scope of services, the cost of material and other components.

6.2 Payment to the Contractor shall be made on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com by non-cash method.

6.3 The cost of services, formed on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com  can be changed unilaterally by the Contractor without notifying the Client. These changes are posted on the official website of the Executor www.sokolarmory.com and come into force immediately after posting. In this case, the new cost does not apply to the already paid services.

6.4 By agreement with the Client, the Contractor may change the formed price both upwards and downwards due to varying complexity, volumes, terms and other conditions.

  1. Contract Term.

7.1 The Contract is considered to be concluded and comes into force from the moment the Customer performs the actions specified in clause 1.9 of the Contract and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.

7.2 The Contractor's obligations are considered to be fulfilled in full at the moment of handing over the finished product to the Customer.

7.3 The obligations of the Customer are considered to be fulfilled in full when the money specified in the order is paid in full.


  1. Return of the product.

8.1. In case of delivery of the order of improper quality the Customer has the right to refuse the product at the moment of delivery and immediately notify the Executor by e-mail: info@sokolarmory.com or in any other way by contacting the Executor.

8.2 Improper quality is the presence of holes, stains, hooks on the product. In this case the product is subject to return or exchange for a similar product of proper quality. The Customer shall send such a product by post or courier service or deliver it to the Contractor by any other means, having additionally specified the address of dispatch from the Contractor.

8.3 If the Customer, when making an application for rendering services on individual tailoring of clothes and/or footwear, has provided for artistic ageing of clothes and/or footwear, the presence of holes, stains, hooks, etc. cannot be considered as improper quality.

8.4 The returned item must be accompanied by:

- a free-form application for the return of the product with obligatory indication in the application of the Customer's contact details that coincide with the data specified in the order, the name of the returned product and the reason for the return;

- a cheque confirming the payment.

These documents must be submitted to the Contractor in electronic form to the e-mail address info@sokolarmory.com

8.5 In case of defect detection the Customer is obliged to notify the Executor within 3 (three) calendar days from the moment of the product delivery.

8.6 The term of consideration of the application for refund for the product is within 10 (ten) working days (excluding weekends and public holidays) and starts from the moment of receipt of the returned product by the Executor. In this case, if the product is received from the Customer after 18-00 of the current working day or on a weekend or public holiday - the moment of receipt of the product is the next working day.


 9. Responsibilities of the Parties.

9.1 The Contractor guarantees completeness and reliability of the information provided to the Customer within the framework of the present Agreement.

9.2 The Customer guarantees completeness and reliability of the information provided to the Executor within the framework of the present Agreement.

9.3 The Executor is not responsible for the information provided by the Customer on the Executor's official website www.sokolarmory.com in public form.

9.4 The Executor is not responsible for improper use of the products purchased by the Customer on the basis of this Agreement.

9.5 The Parties undertake to keep secret commercial, financial and other confidential information received from the other Party during the execution of this Agreement.

9.6. The Customer confirms and agrees that before ordering the service he was familiarized and informed in full about quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the service, is independently responsible for his choice and confirms his consent to the provision of services and absence of claims to the Contractor in the future.

9.7 During the waiting period for the finished product to be handed over to the Customer, circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor may arise, as a result of which the term of handing over the finished product to the Customer increases. Such circumstances include cases related to:

- change of terms of transport of the finished product due to the fault of the transport company;

- changes in the terms of individual tailoring of the product due to the volume and/or complexity;

- changes in the individual application of the manufactured product;

- lack of necessary materials and accessories in stock.

In case of occurrence of such circumstances they are perceived by the Parties as force majeure circumstances and it is not intentional or negligent actions of the Contractor. In this case the deadline for handing over the finished product to the Customer is postponed without the Contractor paying any material or other sanctions. In order to fulfill the contract as soon as possible, the Contractor undertakes to take all necessary measures for the proper fulfillment of the contract, which will allow to shorten the terms of handing over the finished product to the Customer.

In case of unavailability of the ordered Products and/or materials at the Executor's warehouse, including for reasons beyond the Executor's control, the Executor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from this Contract (cancel the Order) in respect of the unavailable Products and/or materials with obligatory notification of the Customer.

9.8 In case the Contractor violates the terms of rendering services under this Agreement, he shall pay the Customer a penalty at the rate of 0.1% of the contract amount, for each day of delay, if the delay was due to the fault of the Contractor.

9.9 The Customer is responsible for the correctness of the measurements taken and given to the Contractor for the manufacture of the product. In case the product is made according to the measurements provided by the Customer, but does not fit the Customer due to incorrect measurements, the Executor, if technically possible, can alter the product for an additional payment agreed by the Parties.

  1. Force majeure

10.1 Any of the Parties to this Agreement shall be released from liability for its breach, if such breach was caused by force majeure circumstances, which arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of events of extraordinary nature, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Parties cannot influence, for example: earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, as well as rebellion, civil unrest, strike, acts of state authorities, military actions of any nature, preventing the fulfillment of this contract, as well as voltage drops in the power grid and other circumstances resulting in failure of technical means of any of the Parties to the contract.


  1. Dispute Resolution

11.1 The Parties shall endeavor to resolve all possible disputes and disagreements that may arise under this Agreement through negotiations.

11.2 Disputes not settled through negotiations shall be referred to the court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.


  12 Other terms and conditions.

12.1 In case of change of addresses, payment details, addresses and numbers of communication channels of the Parties during the term of validity of this Agreement, the Party whose details have changed shall notify the other Party in writing within 3 (three) working days from the date of such changes. The Contractor has the right to place information about the changes on the official website of the Contractor www.sokolarmory.com , without notifying the Customer in writing.

12.2 Each of the Parties shall be obliged to immediately inform the other Party about any events and/or circumstances known to it, which may adversely affect the timely and proper fulfillment by this Party of its obligations under this Contract.

12.3 The Contractor's official website www.sokolarmory.com  the Contractor's official page in the social network Instagram www.instagram.com/sokolworkshop and all the contents are the intellectual property of the Contractor.

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